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Ray Tracing | NVIDIA Developer
    Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) is a popular ray tracing acceleration technique that uses a tree-based “acceleration structure” that contains multiple hierarchically-arranged bounding boxes (bounding volumes) that encompass or surround different amounts of scene geometry or primitives. Testing each ray against every primitive intersection in the scene is inefficient and …

Ray tracing tree - Computer Science Stack Exchange
    I will try to explain it more. if a ray R1 inserts into a convex polyhedron object from front then always leave from the back another ray R2. So for convex objects i believe that we can define a height for the tree. if the object is non-convex then we can have multiple different rays that insert and leave in the object.

raytracing - Ray tracing tree - Computer Graphics Stack Exchange
    Let's suppose that we have a light source. Which of the following are correct for the tree of recursive ray-tracing (ray tree) that create when …

Ray tracing (graphics) - Wikipedia

The Ray Tree
    The Ray Tree. When ray tracing a scene, reflected or transmitted rays may strike other reflective or transparent objects. Further reflected or transmitted rays will be spawned, and so on. Taken together, such a family of rays is termed the ray tree. Care must be taken to control the depth of this tree: If it is allowed to grow too deeply, one may spend a great deal of time computing rays …

Ray Tracing with the BSP Tree
    In ray tracing, we are notawareofasinglehigh-performanceraytracerthatusesarbitrarily oriented planes. Instead, ray tracers typically use kd-trees, which are a restricted type of BSP tree in which only axis-aligned splitting planes are allowed1. Kd-trees provide storage and computation advantages but do not conform as well to scene geometry.

Ray Trace 3.0 - University of California, San Diego
    A kd-tree based accelerator to allow substantially faster ray tracing of scenes with large numbers of objects. This also greatly improves the efficiency of ray tracing Bezier surfaces. Suggestions for enhancements in future releases are welcome, …

k-d Trees For Raytracing - TU Wien
    The depth of tree can be (in general case) decreased using so-called relaxed k-d (r-k-d) trees ( Slide 6 ) which allow the discriminants (partitioning plane orientations) be arbitrary. In case of r-k-d trees, the depth is usually less (Slides 7 and 8 ), so such a structure is used for raytracing purposes instead of the originally proposed one.

Ray tracing propagation model - MATLAB
    Create a ray tracing model. Use the image method and calculate paths with up to one reflection. Then, display the propagation paths. pm = propagationModel ( "raytracing", "Method", "image", ... "MaxNumReflections" ,1); raytrace (tx,rx,pm) For this ray tracing model, there is one propagation path from the transmitter to the receiver.
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